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Thank you for visiting my blog! Here you will find sneak peeks from my sessions, as well as current promotions and available discounts. During the months of December - March, I am only booking newborns and baby plan members. For session information please visit my website Little Gifts from God Photography or email me at

Family/Children - What To Expect

Thank you for visiting my blog! It is my hope that you will consider hiring me to capture some of the most precious moments in your child's life.

I love to hang out with my littlest clients, doing crazy things to elicit a smile or a giggle. There is no stiff, unnatural posing (unless requested!)...only you and your family hanging out and having fun together.

I shoot on-location, at your most favorite it a park, your backyard, or even Grandma and Grandpa's farm! I also use all natural lighting. This means that whenever possible, I schedule my sessions in the early morning or evening to take advantage of the gorgeous sunrise/sunset light.

As hard as it is for us moms to admit, sometimes our children behave much better and are more cooperative if we are out of sight. For this reason, I may ask you to take a little walk away from where I am taking photos of your child.
It is usually easier for me to get a more natural smile/eye contact out of your son/daughter this way. You are welcome to watch from a distance, but please refrain from directing the child in any way.

Do you have a specific pose you want me to try? Please let me know! I am always open to new ideas! Does your child have a favorite outfit or costume that they ask to wear every day? Please bring it 20 years you will cherish the memories (even if it annoys you right now!)

When choosing outfits for your family to wear during the photo session, please remember that coordinating is better than matching. Also try to stay away from shirts with large logos or bold/conflicting colors. Timeless clothing (polos for boys, simple tops and skirts or a dress for little girls) is always preferable rather than something that will be outdated in a few years. If you have any questions about what to wear, please feel free to contact me and I will be glad to help you out.

Remember to relax and enjoy the session...your children will sense if you are stressed and may not be as willing to cooperate. I want this to be a fun time for all of you! In this day and age, there isn't much time for familes to take a couple of hours and just hang out together...I would like for you to think of our session as just that.

Absolutely NO other cameras are allowed at the session.